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What a Difference 40 Years Makes...
1977 2017
Long hair Longing for hair
The perfect high The perfect high yield mutual fund
Acid rock Acid reflux
Moving to California because it's cool Moving to California because it's warm
Growing pot Growing pot belly
Trying to look like Marlon Brando or Liz Taylor Trying NOT to look like Marlon Brando or Liz Taylor
Seeds and stems Roughage
Popping pills, smoking joints Popping joints
Killer weed Weed killer
Hoping for a BMW Hoping for a BM
The Grateful Dead Dr. Kevorkian
Going to a new, hip joint Receiving a new hip joint
Rolling Stones Kidney stones
Being called into the principal's office Calling the principal's office
Screw the system Upgrade the system
Disco Costco
Parents begging you to get your hair cut Children begging you to get their heads shaved
Taking acid Taking antacid
Passing the drivers test Passing the vision test
Whatever Depends

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Comments? Questions? Suggestions? E-mail the Reunion Committee:
Sean Gardner, Janet Ann (Pinski) Gunderson

To contact the Reunion Committee by postal mail, send to:
Reunion Committee
c/o Cindy (Pabst) Teal
2005 17th Ave SE
Aberdeen, SD 57401

Copyright ©1997-2024, Park High Class of 1977. All Rights Reserved.
Menus by Mike Hall at Modified for use on this site.
Guestbook by Zeta Software GbR, Germany. Modified for use on this site.
Images are from class materials or believed to be public domain.
Please contact Sean Gardner if an image is copyrighted.