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Return to our home page. The Park High Class of 1977 Guestbook:
  • has 1288 entries in it
  • has 52 pages of entries
  • is in its third and final incarnation
  • was created on 12/28/2000
  • was decommissioned on 12/23/2021. Please post to our Facebook page instead.

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Rose Knack Zenner   6/15/2002 08:46am
It's early Saturday morning here in Cottage Grove, the sun is shining, the kids are asleep, husband is out of town and I thought I'd pop in to see what's happening. It's great to read all the messages. Even though I live in town I don't get to see too many of my classmates...too much work and no play! To Dan Stratton, it is no surprise to me you have decided to serve your faith. Julie O....I haven't seen you at Cub Foods lately...have you converted to Rainbow? Gregg Sailer...thanks for the condolences on the passing of my father in law. I hope your Mom and Dad and family are doing well. I am married to Randy Zenner (Park Hi Class 72) we will celebrate 23 years come December. We have two beautiful daughters, Randi 20 (Park Hi Class 2000) in her 3rd year at Winona State and Railyn 14 an upcoming 9th grader at OJH (Go Raiders). I am still in Banking at Bremer-24 years...scary...and part of the managment team. We are truly thankful for what has been given to us. Since Randy's (class of 72) reunion is the same weekend as ours, I will be splitting my time on Friday to attend both. I am also on the St. Paul Park Heritage Days Committee whose events are planned for the same weekend. Same old story too much to do and not enough time! Anyway sorry I will not be able to attend the dinner and dance. Have a great time all...Hope to catch a few of you on Friday night at the Point.

Vicki Holmes Juen   6/15/2002 00:18am
Hi everyone! I just had a couple things I wanted to add to the other wise words on these pages. First to annonymous: we all at one point in our lives feel out of place or stereotyped by the people around us. I have a saying on my desk at work: Winnings not in having great cards but in how you play the cards that you are dealt. I truely believe this. If we ourselves make the best of every situation, I believe that in the end we ourselves are the winner.

Carin, I wanted to say your right with your sister. All you can do is be there and let her know that she is loved. Only she can fight her demons and hopefully win. I for one had similar demons to fight. 3 1/2 years ago I lost my dad and then 6 months later lost my mother. I was falling apart and didn't care about anything. Then when I thought life couldn't get any worse, it really could have. I was diagnosed with a form of leukemia and that really made me think about my life and how it could be taken away from me. If it was apart of God's plan that it be my time, then so be it. But I was not going to die because I lived carelessly. I know this a litle personal and maybe I shouldn't be writing it, but I don't care what anyone thinks. If I can touch one person to let them know that they are not alone, then my words will be worth it. By the way, I have been in remission for 2 years and I am attending this reunion for the fact that high school was apart of our lives(even if we couldn't wait to get out). Can't wait to see you all!
Stacy "Lee" Clark   6/14/2002 04:31am
If anyone's interested this is something I do in my off time (when I'm not working or training for my AIDS Vaccine Ride this summer [Montreal to Portland, Maine])...

Stacy "Lee"

P.S. The link to the AIDS Ride is there as well if you feel the urge to donate. It would be surely be appreciated.

Roxanne Beasley   6/13/2002 08:37am
Hello everyone! It was interesting to read about some of the antics of people, who in some ways are still 'high schoolers' in my mind because I personally, haven't grown up yet. Therefore, everyone else must be the same too. It is a little disconcerting, however, to wake up and interact with my 14, soon to be 15 year old permit holder, son and 10 year old daughter. After all, where did they come from if I am still 17!!! I also have to wonder how I can have just completed my 20th year of teaching??!?!?!?!? Feel free to contact me if you wish at My contact with high school friends has been limited. Have a great, sunny day! (Oh, I still live in MN, tried Charlotte, NC for four years but couldn't deal with the intolerance and the KKK....)
Stacy "Lee" Clark   6/11/2002 01:42am
Carin, you mean the time Randy Rose almost killed us in the "world's slowest rollover"? Not an easy thing to do at a blistering 5mph!!! All I remember is I kissed Kelly and the next thing I know my world turned upside down :-) I still think about how lucky we were that the rollbar didn't take one of us out that night. I still can clearly see (and feel) my hand pressing against it. Of course the best rollover I was ever in was the time I covered Leon's eyes and told him which way to turn and how fast to go (then I started messing with him..."Left, Right, LEFT, NO RIGHT!!! LEEEEFFFFT!!!). I think it was a prelude to me becoming an air traffic controller. I kind of live for the adrenaline rush.

Stacy "Lee"
Dan Stratton   6/5/2002 08:16pm

I had the pleasure of seeing Jane Conroy (Arnfelt) and Tim Stratton (Quinn) last weekend. My sister is a true feminist and we have always known what a pushover Tim is. (I am just kidding) They looked great and Tim may even be coming to New York for a visit. I told him if he would fly, I'd buy. He is celebrating his 17th anniversary this year, has two kids and wants to bring Sandy, (my sis) to New York. Here is where you say, awwwww, Tim is so sweet. Wait until he gets the humidity in Times Square in July. Don't tell him, I know he won't read this.

Jane was her beautiful self and was filling me in on all the gossip, so hey, I know everything now so be careful.

Carin Griffiths-Heine   5/30/2002 11:04pm
To Anonymous

We all have our secrets and have lived or known someone who has lived an alternative lifestyle. Your bravery is commendable and I personally am happy I have had such truly enjoyable, lovely people in my life. They have given me something they never realize they have. For that I am a happy to say I am truly tolerant and better person because of knowing them.

Carin Griffiths-Heine   5/30/2002 10:51pm
Hi Everyone!!

Lee Clark you are to sweet. My sister Kelly is having some problems with her life. No Love in her life, alcohol is becoming a major problem, she is trying to remain aloof but we know she is hurting. We can only let her know we are there for her and that we love her. Anyway on to lighter side of life.

Hey Buddy were you referring to the night we met at that bar in Cottage Grove and Randy almost killed us. Am I right? You know that was the pivotal moment in my life when I realized I did not want to be married to my ex any longer. He did not care about me much then. It all happened for a reason so I have him to thank for my absolutely terrific, sweet, sensative, funnier than hell, and way tolerant husband of 10 years.
Now that the kids are getting older we have fallen in love again. Can't wait for you all to meet him. There are'nt to many people who can tolerate my stubborn, overly sensative behavior. He is my best freind. Anyway, gotta get to bed ha ha, but really I have to rest this old body after chasing the kids around and working all day. My kids are still babies 11 and 9 years. Much comfort and pleasurable things at home, gardening, stain glass hobby, relaxing with a ice cold Beck's beer in the patio now until the mosquitos eat us alive. Hutchinson does not spray. Oh hell!@#$ I still have not learned when to end a conversation I am having with myself.

Peace to all, see you at the reunion. Erin Lynch Bjorklund you better email me soon. Lets go together with our mates.
Alice Fitzgerald   5/28/2002 08:20pm
Hi everyone. I can't believe that it's been 25 years since high school!! This has been a sad month for my family as my Dad passed away 5/16. Another reminder that life is too short. I had back surgery 5/22 so I am recuperating at home for about 6 weeks. I'll be in good shape for the reunion. I have a 4 1/2 year old daughter who I adopted from China and live in South St. Paul. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone in August.

Jan Pinski Gunderson   5/24/2002 03:16pm
Have fun at the reunion, I will be out of town, will miss seeing many as I have not missed a reunion in the past. See you all at the 30th reunion in 5 years though!! To Dan Stratton, you've always had a compassionate side, good luck in your journey. To the reunion committee, a big thanks for your planning and organizational skills. It's appreciated and not said often enough. Have fun!
Sten David Heinrick Jensen Hübinette   5/23/2002 07:54pm
Greetings again;
I don't know if we will be reading about what we've been up to at the reunion, so I
thought that I would give an update: Currently living on the "farm" and commuting to
the cities (St.Paul/Mpls.) Attending Metro-state University, Major is International History
Minor in Anthropology (Classical Archaeology) Will be a Senior at the end of this school
year. I hope to do a lateral transfer in the Government into a CRM (Cultural Resource
Managemant) job. (Salvage Archaeolory). My daughter is 21 (wow) and is in the Air Force
as an Air Force Medic, attending College at Mankato State University.
Pax Vobiscum,
Sten Hubinette
Dan Stratton   5/23/2002 02:37pm
Oops. The dates are July 9th and 10th. (the evening of the ninth and noon for the actual engagement.)
Dan Stratton   5/23/2002 09:12am
Hey Everybody,

Summer time is coming. I specifically remember June 4, 1972. It was the last day of school in seventh grade. It was an incredible sunny day and a bunch of us decided to walk home from Park Junior all the way to our homes near Grove School. Over the tracks up the hill past Pullman out of St. Paul Park and into Cottage Grove, past the Wilwerts house and home. That time is coming, graduations for others. I actually have a brother graduating this year. It is kind of strange.

On another note, I will be in Minneapolis speaking at a business luncheon. I would love to see some of you guys either the night before or at the luncheon, as it is open to the public.

I will be speaking on recovering from disaster. The title of the message is Starting Over. It is directed towards business folks, but it will have a major Christian flavor as much of my material will be scriptural in light of my experience at Ground Zero through the terrorist attacks.

Just e-mail me if you want to get together the night before. I will be staying somewhere northwest of MPLS. We could do dinner or drinks or whatever. It would be fun.

I am looking forward to the reunion and I am going to log on and pay now. See you there.

Jerry Talcott   5/23/2002 01:00am
Does anyone else from our class live out here in the Seattle Area? Let us know!! See you at the reunion!
Sean Gardner   5/22/2002 11:00pm
Hey y'all! You know things are getting real when we start asking for money! You can now make your RSVP for the August reunion using an online form. You can pay online, too, if you want. To RSVP, click on the Reunion RSVP link near the bottom of the page. It will ask you to log in if you haven't already. As always, if you need your password, email me.
Dan Stratton   5/12/2002 08:09am
Happy Mother's Day to all of you. Some of you are grandmothers. That is truly wonderful and amazing. We are getting older, but I guess we could have said that when we graduated. However, now I really feel it on the basketball court with the young guys.

I am looking forward to seeing all of you in August. I am starting my crash diet so that none of you will say that I have become twice the man I was in high school.

Irene Kelley Jennie Raun   4/30/2002 11:11pm
Hi everyone!

I hope all of you are doing well and living your dreams.

Like many baby boomers, I'm on my second marriage, have three children, and became a grandmother last month.

I've fulfilled a long-time dream - writing. I've published a chapbook; am seeking a publisher for my humor book Life, Love, Happiness, and Clean Underwear; and am writing a science fiction series.

Brian Carlson   4/29/2002 09:23pm
Hello. I tried the directions sent with the reunion card. Imagine, it wouldn't let me in. This was as close as I could get to logging in.
Seems like quite a good site. Hope to see everyone in August.
Julie Overholser O'Brien   4/22/2002 09:45pm
Hi again! It sure is nice to read all of the comments in the guestbook. This website is a great idea, thanks Sean for all your input and the hard works of the reunion committee.

I have the postcard with the wrong password, I have sent an email with no response yet with a correct password. Sean, please send corrected password to either site or to

I was amazed, (yet sheepishly grinning) to read about Pastor Dan S, in away is kinda made some sort of weird sense to me. I do recall being on an activity bus after cheerleading for some sort of Choir Event or Football/Basketball game, can't remember now, then him starting the songs during the travels and it was some sort of gospel song,(500 miles/100 miles...) something like that.

After the WTC disaster, I think we all have had an enlightening as to what is and isn't important to us. With two of our kids living in Florida on (the coast) and being of draft age both of them, we watched TV intently for many hours praying, that things didn't go that far, and at the same time knowing that if that call did come, we would support them, the President and the pride in them for Amercianism/Patriotism they were showing us, both wanted to sign up right away.
We felt so helpless being so far away and all we wanted to do was just pull our whole family home and hug everyone not letting go for anytime soon.
Faith, Friends and Family, if you are lucky to have all three of these you have it all. Boy I firmly believe that. Good bye for now,

Jolene Roberts Schrandt   4/15/2002 10:45am
Cindy Aus Johnson.I would like to wish you a
Happy Birthday on April 17th.I have e-mailed you twice and both times they have been deleted!Whats up with that?Lol It was great hearing from you

Take care~Jolene
Robin Norlander Feley   4/12/2002 11:35am
Good Morning to all!!
It's been lots of fun reading and seeing what everyone has been up to. I'm looking forward to the reunion. Me and my 2 daughters Kayla and Kelsey are coming back and staying with my brother David who still lives in CG. We are looking forward to see all of you. Hi Sue, haven't heard from you in a while, hope all is well. Just like Dara (HI) I can't get a password either. So here is mine
Have a great day!! Robin
Julie Overholser O'Brien   4/5/2002 04:18pm
Sorry, next entry I will remember to proof and use SPELLCHECK!!

Tee Hee

Julie Overholser O'Brien   4/5/2002 04:12pm
Truly amazing, does everyone out there feel like it has been 25 years!! WOW

Yeah well I guess is has been,especially when I look at my own young adults, David 22, graduated from Brown Institute, Networking,living in Florida, returning to MN in Late April, Megan now 20 is graduating with her Paralegal degree on May 17, Kevin 19 spent some time modeling through High School, shot a Camp Snoopy commercial, what a fun time for all,now back in MN after living also in Daytona Beach, sopmething about beach, babes and living in your own place What's that all about?--I am still married, 24 years in November, so over all,life is good, Greg and I are doing some traveling and enjoy time together. I can't get on to the login
I have a postcard with the wrong password--!@#$
So please CONTACT me!!!, I welcome hearing from you all!

Take Care,
Still Julie-O (UFF DAH!!)
Stacy "Lee" Clark   3/28/2002 10:45pm
Anonymous, I really don't think anyone categorizes people for what they were in highschool. I believe only we ourselves do. I suppose it's how we measure how far we've come, or not. All of us I'm sure are equal in that regard.

Anonymous II, I would say go to the reunion as you truly are. If you don't I suspect you'll regret it. The hardest part is the first step. Besides, if you're that famous, it sounds like you'll have the evening's entertainment all locked up. And I mean that in a good way. It's up to you, but I say go for it!

We are all now entering into the second half of our lives. It is the part where we are supposed to live. It is the time to put into effect what we've learned in the first half. I myself just went through my proverbial "midlife crisis" and as I told Sue in one of my emails to her "I'm still picking the sand out of my heart from dragging it behind me for so long". The point is coming to the realization of who we are is a great gift. "To become ourselves".
John P. Bous   3/27/2002 09:38pm
I saved to soon so have to continue here. I am proud of what I have become and my lifes accomplishments. I welcome all e-mails and hope to see each and everyone from the class of 77, and it does not matter what you are or what you have become as I am sure it does not matter to most of the rest of our class. Be proud of what you are and have become. Every day is a good day, some are just better. John
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Sean Gardner, Janet Ann (Pinski) Gunderson

To contact the Reunion Committee by postal mail, send to:
Reunion Committee
c/o Cindy (Pabst) Teal
2005 17th Ave SE
Aberdeen, SD 57401

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Guestbook by Zeta Software GbR, Germany. Modified for use on this site.
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